#ZomatoCon Bloggers Conference – Dhillondeeds 

With my little girl sleeping in my arms because she’s been so clingy these past few days, I am excited to finally get this post written!

This past weekend I attended my first ever bloggers conference and it exceeded my every expectation. There’s a negative stigma attached to conferences, being an all brief case, suit and tie sort of event but this conference was far from it. Yes, it was professional but it wasn’t boring! It wasn’t boring at all. I enjoyed it because each speaker kept me intrigued, entertained and wanting to know more. I  felt so shattered after each presenter wrapped up but each new speaker brought something new to the table. This conference was organised by Zomato and held at the Grand Hyaat in Doha, Qatar.  Zomato is an online & mobile restaurant search and discovery service  that provides in-depth information for over 1.4 million restaurants in 23 countries – and they came forward and truly created the best conference for bloggers to actually learn and get inspired. I know I learned a lot and felt incredibly inspired during and long after the conference had adjourned.


5 things I took from the conference 

  1. Write for yourself first.
  2. Understand your audience and stick to your niche.
  3. Don’t give up. Consistency is key.
  4. A few people hating you is a sign that you are doing something right.
  5. Use your platform to spread love. Be kind.


There was a goody bag packed with gift vouchers, perfume samples and a pen (you always need a pen) plenty to eat and drink and plenty of people to talk too. I met a few bloggers too, finally being able to put a face to the page was great. I was star struck too and I did not approach some bloggers – which I now regret! But there’s always a time and place for everything. It truly excites me when I meet like minded individuals who do what I do. If it wasn’t for bloggers, I believe the world would be a boring place!  Thank you for reading my blog. I am excited to bring you many more posts.

Keep well and keep smiling,


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